
Digital transformation includes a category of services based on technologies such as social, mobile, cloud, data analytics, IoT and AI/machine learning. It is an evolving concept which focuses on transforming existing business processes and adding new capabilities via a variety of strategies, investments and technologies to maximize value via new opportunities available via the above technologies. It has the potential to help businesses of all sizes evolve from their current state to a future state via one or more transformative initiatives targeting progressively higher degrees of automation.

In a competitive business environment, businesses cannot afford to ignore the developments around digital transformation themes. Business customers and consumers both demand access to a variety of services using their mobile devices and the company which ignores these trends risks loss of customers over time.

The implementation of Digital Transformation requires changes throughout the business to support an Agile approach to projects, which requires ongoing business involvement, speed of development via an iterative approach which includes testing and deployment.

Eco-Bridge can help assess client processes, customer issues and priorities to determine a roadmap for implementation of digital solutions. Give us a call.


The social networking explosion has many advantages and pitfalls for businesses. As a consumer marketing platform, this medium has already made rapid strides in enabling highly effective communication channels with consumers to promote brand recognition and respect. Online advertising across mobile and PC platforms, coupled with sentiment analysis is now able to provide data-driven, quantifiable insights into the efficacy of marketing strategies and advertising spend.

Social is also an important component of omni-channel – the holy grail for tracking consumer  shopping journeys across various media. New models for outreach and tracking continue to be invented, providing businesses with more choices and complex budget decisions for strategy decisions.

Eco-Bridge can help!


Mobile devices and their supporting systems form the second pillar of Digital Transformation. The growth rate of mobile adoption has long outpaced the growth rate of PC adoption across the world, with the number of mobile owners surpassing PC  owners in early 2014. Enterprises have also embraced mobile devices, enabling employees, customers, vendors, investors and other stakeholders to interact with various enterprise services via social media, cloud, SOA (Service Oriented Architectures), Microservices and an evolving set of other technologies.

While services such as mobile shopping and new technologies such as fintech  have now become commonplace, many SMBs and enterprises continue to evolve their mobile footprints to better serve customers with new and differentiated means of access to products and services.

Eco-Bridge helps clients understand the potential and pitfalls of mobile and the broad array of options available to solve pain points for internal and external stakeholders. Whether it involves building an innovative standalone app or planning and executing an initiative which leverages mobile and other integrated technologies, we can help!


The cloud provides another pillar to support digital transformation initiatives. Migrating in-house applications to the cloud allows businesses to become more nimble by retiring the majority of their IT infrastructure (hardware and software and by reducing or eliminating the number of employees needed to manage and maintain in-house software systems. It enables financial and performance benefits for businesses of all sizes by transitioning to operational cost models with incremental monthly payments and on-demand, leased access to software and hardware. Additional benefits include always being upto date on security fixes, performance improvements and new features.

Eco-Bridge can help business build their IT migration strategy and implement it for them. Our process leverages a top down approach to prioritizing the migration of existing IT infrastructure to the cloud by taking into consideration data privacy and security considerations, IT infrastructure costs (systems management and maintenance) and other considerations.

Our partners can help you complete the migration to either Microsoft Azure or Amazon’s AWS so that your users are up and running with minimal downtime and you can start realizing your cost savings as soon as possible.

Data Analytics & Machine Learning

The field of data analytics has evolved significantly in the past few years and the degree of sophistication continues to grow rapidly. While legacy technologies such as data warehousing and business intelligence are still being used, the new emphasis is on predictive analytics, a capability which supports the needs of other new fields such as IoT (the internet of things) and machine learning – a branch of Artificial Intelligence which has reached a stage of maturity sufficient to support self-driving cars and other data driven applications.

Eco-Bridge and its partners offer machine learning services to businesses who want to leverage their data and exploit it to its fullest capability. Call us to find out more about how machine learning can become a game changer for your business.

Internet of Things

The potential for IoT for consumers and industry is described in this Eco-Bridge blog. The opportunities are large and most US businesses are still grappling with identifying benefits and determining how to realize them.

Eco-Bridge partners have already deployed IoT solutions to clients and are in the process of further developing their services in this regard. If you would like to learn more about IoT and how it might help your business and disrupt your competition, give us a call. The benefits are more than just adding sensors to business assets. It could change how you and your customers view the value derived from your products and how you get paid for them. Additionally, the resulting data is an asset which needs to be managed for tactical as well as strategic benefits.

Learn about the changes possible in your industry. Give us a call.

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